Green center Stefanova - place to live and relax

Projekt sa realizoval v parku a priľahlých verejných priestranstvách situovaných v the central part of the village Stefanova, v šošovkovito rozšírenom priestore s rozsiahlym parkom v middle of this space. Okrem revitalizácie parku a sadovníckych úprav boli dobudované a rekonštruované chodníky a public spaces, to build on the previous project. The project includes new playground, as well as game pieces for children. Main activities are 4 construction objects, that characterize the scope of the project:
SO 01 –; Rekonštrukcia chodníkov a spevnených plôch
SO 02 –; Greenery and furniture
SO 03 –; Reconstruction of public lighting
SO 04 –; playground
The objective is in line with the principles of sustainable development to form a green center Stefanova, which will be a place to live and relax inhabitants
Po ukončení realizácie projektu sa estetické i úžitkové hodnoty centra obce podstatne zvýšili.
Within SO 01 has refurbished the trails in the park and street sidewalk in total length 633 m, as well as 24 driveways. Furthermore, the representative square built in the form of a larger paved area, interconnecting facilities and amenities created to receive social life.
Within SO 02 It was in the interest area planted 31 trees, 55 roof, restored 3620 m2lawn. The concept led to the creation of green plantings village center, which will become the cornerstone of identity, community and ecological stability of the territory.
Supplemented with elements of type park movables (benches, trash bins, gazebo and well.) a 6 children's attractions. Squares and parks give the above aesthetic and functional quality, Supporting intensive social contacts.
Within SO 03 In view of the technical condition of the distribution was carried out comprehensive reconstruction of public lighting system - exchange 16 lighting units.
Construction of multipurpose within SO 04 created new opportunities for sporting activities residents. Celková plocha technicky zhodnotených objektov v The project is 5198 m2.
The situation before the implementation of project activities |
The bad condition are themselves distributions, and lamps, which are
outdated and do not meet the demands for energy-saving operation.In the previous project were built in the park relaxing
enclave, other areas have not been addressed.Park lacks clearer conception Landscaping, which could be
bearer of identity space park and the whole village. Attractive element is
God's torment was built in memory of the fallen in battle in 1705.From the compositional and aesthetic point of view greenery in parks, in principle,
satisfactory.Walkway to the recently built recreational area remained without
reconstruction. The width of the pavement is unsatisfactory (0,8 m).State street sidewalk along local roads, adjacent to the park. Deep surface gutter does not build the trail;
more appropriate solution would be the piped.Street sidewalk was maintained only for short stretches, mostly
unsatisfactory width of a technical process embodiment.
deep surfaceIn the space of the square lacks any Benches. In the space of the square lacks any Benches. View from the park to the main landmark of the village - church. Stephen king
so 14. century.Of the area is the central part of the village Stefanova, the lenticular
expansion of park facilities and amenities.
The situation after the project with modified surfaces, editing paths, renovated hydrants and Restoration.