Revitalizácia cesty II/504 Modra –; budmerice
we take the liberty of informing you, that the Road Administration of the Bratislava Self-Governing Region begins from Tuesday 25.6.2024 with the revitalization of the road section II/504 Modra – Budmerice.
Subject of construction is the improvement of the parameters of the road body, in particular the increase of the bearing capacity of the subsoil and its stabilization by the technology of cold recycling of roadways on site, replacement of asphalt layers of road II/504 and reconstruction of culvert P29198, which is in a state of emergency.
Start of section revitalization of the road is in Modra at the intersection II/502 x II/504 (ul. Partizánska x Trnavská) and the end of the section is Budmericiach at the intersection II/502 x III/1282 (ul. Modranská x Jablonecká).
Traffic restrictions:
Due to the implementation of technologically demanding cold road recycling, the section of road II/504 between Modra and Budmerici will be in the term from 10.7.-27.7.2024 completely closed.
Detour route it will be led through Vištuk and through Doľany. Other road revitalization works will be carried out in a partial closure with alternately controlled traffic.
We ask drivers to be more attentive and patient when driving through the given section of the road.
The entire revitalization will take time 5 months.
Contact for more information: Ing. Ľubomír Polkabla, 0911 255 731,