
Closing the building office in Budmerice

Vážení ; people, vzhľadom na aktuálnu situáciu v ;súvislosti s ;koronavírusom Obec Budmerice v ;As a precautionary measure by 12. brand 2020 zatvára pre verejnosť Obecný a ;Stavebný úrad v ;Budmerice.

Neodkladné záležitosti budete mať možnosť si vybaviť v ;Wed. 18. march during Office hours. Odporúčame Vám prednostne využívať elektronickú a ;telefonickú komunikáciu a ;pre doručenie žiadosti a ;inej korešpondencie aj poštovú schránku nainštalovanú pri vchode do Obecného a ;building office.

Precautionary measures to prevent the spread koronovírusu in Slovakia

Slovak Lines measures in connection with the spread of coronavirus

; ;International flights to Vienna, Budapest Hainburg are suspended until Thursday 26. brand 2020. Passengers with tickets purchased were contacted via e-mail about their resignation.
; ;Suburban lines Slovak Lines Regio ride from Tuesday 17. March according to Saturday's timetable ;(to Monday 16. March according to the holiday timetable.)
; Malacky public transport is suspended until Sunday 29. brand
; Senec public transport is suspended from Tuesday 17. March to appeal

Please passengers on commuter lines of compliance with safety measures:
; All aboard only through the back door
; Neobsadzujte first space 8 seats on the bus
; Tickets in advance you buy the mobile application IDS BK
; The buses passengers are required to wear protective masks or efficient alternatives.

we thank you, helping us protect your passengers and bus drivers.

Information for citizens- measures to reduce the administrative burden on the use of information systems in public administration

In accordance with Act No.. 221/2019 WITH. z., ; amending and supplementing Act No.. 177/2018 WITH. with. Certain Measures for Reducing Administrative Burdens use of information systems in public administration and on amendments to certain laws (law against bureaucracy). They are Public authorities ("the OVM") ; for its official activities required and authorized to receive and use the data recorded in the information systems of public administration and to take notes on them, and these data and statements to the extent necessary to provide each other free of charge.

V rámci dôsledného dodržiavania zákona proti byrokracii a ;informovania občanov Slovenskej republiky vytvoril Úrad podpredsedu vlády Slovenskej republiky pre investície a ;informatizáciu ; ("the ÚPVII") for this purpose, visual presentation in the form of poster ;listing all the certificates and statements, ktoré občania a ;entrepreneurs are not required to submit OVM.

CHANGE from CP 15.12.2019

102423 Bratislava - Doľany - Trnava, IDS BK 566

On line update was made travel on boards during the Christmas period. Na linke neboli vykonané žiadne zmeny k ;15.12.2019.

102429 Bratislava - Pezinok - Modra - Part - Stefanova, IDS BK 550

On line update was made travel on boards during the Christmas period.

no bond. 4 (X) – s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;4:22 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;6:10 throw., zmenený na čas s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;4:24 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;6:10 throw.

no bond. 10 (X10) – s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;5:22 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;7:10 throw., zmenený na čas s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;5:24 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;7:10 throw.

no bond. 14 (X10) – s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;6:22 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;8:10 throw., zmenený na čas s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;6:24 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;8:10 throw.

no bond. 20 (X10) – s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;7:07 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;8:55 throw., zmenený na čas s ;leaving Doľany, kostol o ;7:05 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;8:51 throw.

no bond. 106 (X11) – s ;leaving Stefanova, Jednota o ;5:01 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;6:49 throw., zmenený na čas s ;odchodom Doľany o ;5:06 throw. ;;the arrival of Bratislava, AS o ;6:49 throw.

010559 Doľany - Stefanova - Budmerice - Báhoň, IDS BK 559

On line update was made travel on boards during the Christmas period.

no bond. 17 (X10) – s ;odchodom Doľany o ;16:25 throw. ;;arrival Báhoň, alas. bus stop. ;16:46 throw., Change the sign "X", zmenený na čas s ;leaving Stefanova, Jednota o ;16:29 throw. ;;arrival Báhoň, alas. bus stop. ;16:46 throw.

no bond. 19 (X10) – s ;odchodom Doľany o ;17:35 throw. ;;arrival Báhoň, alas. bus stop. ;17:56 throw., canceled

The new joint No.. 25 (X11) – s ;odchodom Doľany o ;9:35 throw. ;;arrival Budmerice, U.S. ;9:47 throw.

The new joint No.. 27 (X11) – s ;leaving Stefanova, Jednota o ;10:39 throw. ;;arrival Budmerice, U.S. ;10:47 throw.

no bond. 117 (X11) – s ;leaving Stefanova, Jednota o ;16:29 throw. ;;arrival Báhoň, alas. bus stop. ;16:46 throw., canceled

The new joint No.. 2 (X11) – s ;leaving Stefanova, Jednota o ;4:53 throw. ;;príchodom Doľany o ;4:58 throw.

The new joint No.. 8 (X11) – s ;leaving Budmerice, U.S. ;11:13 throw. ;;Stefanova arrival, Jednota o ;11:18 throw.

no bond. 18 (X10) – s ;leaving Báhoň, alas. bus stop. O 17:04 throw. ;;príchodom Doľany o ;17:28 throw., Change the sign "X", zmenený čas s ;Stefanova arrival, Jednota o ;17:18 throw.

no bond. 20 (X10) – s ;leaving Báhoň, alas. bus stop. ;18:04 throw. ;;príchodom Doľany o ;18:23 throw., canceled

no bond. 22 (X10) – s ;leaving Budmerice, U.S. ;9:25 throw. ;;príchodom Doľany o ;9:35 throw., Change the sign "X"

no bond. 118 (X11) – s ;leaving Báhoň, alas. bus stop. ;17:04 throw. ;;Stefanova arrival, Jednota o ;17:18 throw., canceled