Viliam Tekula
tel. OR: +421 336 487 125
tel.: +421 918 975 704
municipal authorities
Village major
Jozef Kirinovič - deputy mayor
Mgr. Lenka Gombitová
Marian Bohuš
Adriana Miklášová
Jana Prisečanová
Chief Controller village
Mgr. Igor Strycek, PhD.
still Commission
In order to protect the public interest:
chairman: Marian Bohuš
members: Mgr. Lenka Gombitová, Jana Prisečanová
Cultural commission:
chairman: Mgr. Lenka Gombitová
members: Adriana Miklášová, Jana Prísečanová
Billing and payment information
Head OU: Stefanova 100
Statutory authority: Viliam Tekula –; Mayor of Stefanova
Bank. connection: Prima bank
Account number: IBAN SK 12 5600 0000 0066 0316 4001
ICO: 00 305 111
UID: 20 20 66 22 70
Contact person: Viliam Tekula