Civil defence

crisis staff


Viliam Tekula


Jozef Kirinovič


Mgr. Lenka Gombitová

Jana Prisečanová

Marian Bohuš

Adriana Miklášová


  • realize, that the greatest value is human life and health, and then saving property.
  • Remember to self-protection, first aid and mutual assistance in emergency.
  • Note the information provided by radio and television.
  • Do not distribute alarm and unverified reports.
  • Do not underestimate the situation and Maintain a balance sheet.
  • Netelefonujte zbytočne, to overcrowd during an emergency telephone network.
  • In helping others, especially old, the sick and the weak people, Take care of children.
  • Follow the instructions of civil protection and other emergency responders, of state and local governments

What is the threat?

Threats to the period, during which assumes risk of developing or extending the effects of an emergency.

What is incident?

Extraordinary event means a natural disaster, accident or disaster, threatening the life, health or property.

What is emergency?

Emergency situation means a period of threat or a period of action consequences incident to life, health or property, which is declared by Act no. 42/1994 WITH. with. on civil protection of the population and for which they are implemented measures to reduce risks to or procedures and activities to eliminate the consequences of emergencies.
Emergency situation is declared and invoked through mass media.

chemical threat?

It can be made by dispersing toxic chemicals into the environment in liquid, gaseous, powder form or an aerosol, particularly in areas of high concentration of population (transportation nodes, residential areas, football stadiums, amfiteátre, shopping centers), or in facilities and equipment for bulk supply (reservoirs, water resources, grain silos, food warehouses, feed and so on.).

Impact of toxic chemicals on living organisms cause damage or death. In humans it occurs mainly to the disposal of or damage to the central nervous system, respiratory or digestive tract. Pľuzgierotvorné substances cause pain, difficult healing wounds and death of the affected tissue.

biological threat?

Causing agents of mass communicable diseases - bacteria, rickettsie, viruses, fungi and protein toxins, spread:

  • by infected carriers of (insect, rodents, by wild animals),
  • contaminated powders, liquids or gels - pastes,Dissemination in the tubes, ampoules, letters and parcels, injections, contaminated food, beverages and food.

Cause contagious infectious diseases of humans and animals.

What are the symptoms of chemical and biological terrorism?
Terrorist use of toxic chemical and biological agents is an insidious and counts with delayed reaction to this fact. It is therefore important to recognize early signs of the use of these funds.

Such phenomenon is necessary to pay attention?

  • audible and visible muffled explosion of ammunition, followed by the aerosol cloud, spreading the wind direction,
  • small oily droplets, fine dusting, visible on terrain with vegetation and on different materials,
  • planar apparent damage or destruction of vegetation (noticeable color change, desiccation),
  • known and unknown insects (lice, blchy, fly, tongs), that the ground moves and spreads in unusual amount and time of year, dead rodents, unknown object and neidetifiovateľným packaging,
  • vode v otvorených vodných zdrojoch –; rivers, streams and ponds - that is unusually clear, because the action of toxic chemicals were destroyed conventional small organisms (daphnia, vodomerky, larvae and under.),
  • sudden mass communicable diseases, which for no apparent reason spread between people and animals, The symptoms are manifested (intoxication), cause public harm, Death residents and killing animals.

maximum temperature

2. degree

The maximum air temperature in the range of (Temperature, >; 35ºC):

  1. avoid staying in the sun, especially at noon and in the afternoon, b) not to leave children or animals in the sun, or in stationary cars,c) observe drinking regime.

3. degree

Long-term achievement of the maximum air temperature ranging from (Temperature, >; 40ºC):

  1. avoid staying in the sun, especially at noon and in the afternoon,
  2. observe drinking regime,
  3. not to leave children or animals in the sun, or in stationary cars,
  4. while staying in direct sunlight Wear protective equipment from direct sunlight (head cover, protective creams, sunglasses and so on.).

The minimum temperature

2. degree

The achievement of the minimum air temperature(M2, <; 20ºC). strong frost:

  1. protect adequately warm clothing and footwear,
  2. protect exposed parts of the body guard (greasy) cream,
  3. take appropriate measures to protect farm crops from ground frost.

The minimum air temperature (M3, <; 30ºC). Very strong frost:

  1. urgently seek a warm place (residential facilities),
  2. take appropriate measures in the industry to protect against severe frosts (zateplenie…;),
  3. protect exposed parts of the body guard (greasy) cream.


2. degree

The occurrence of strong winds, that the short-term (in bursts) speed (V2, priemer >; 20 m/s alebo nárazy >; 25 m/s):

  1. not to hinder the free areas,
  2. not to hinder the unstable at obstacles,
  3. close and secure windows and doors,
  4. postpone yards from loose objects,
  5. best not out children,
  6. ensure pets,
  7. No parking under the trees and in shaky buildings,
  8. with light vehicles and the unladen lorries driving limit slightly opened windy areas,
  9. secure windows, greenhouses, Loose objects, collect the laundry drying,
  10. driving car to reduce driving speed.

3. degree

The occurrence of extremely strong wind, that the short-term (in bursts) speed (V3, priemer >; 25 m/s alebo nárazy >; 35 m/s):a) when it is not necessary, hence go home,b) not to hinder the free areas,c) close and secure windows and doors,d) best not out children,

  1. with light vehicles and the unladen lorries do not drive after open-wind areas,
  2. ensuring cranes.

Snow drifts and languages

2. degree

Intense formation of snow and snowdrifts languages:

  1. equip vehicle winter technical means (winter tires, snow chains, towrope, shovel and under.),
  2. ensure the means of communication (mobile phone, PDA, talkie and so on.) in case of emergency.

3. degree

Extremely intense formation of snow and snowdrifts languages:

  1. restrict movement outdoors,
  2. limiting driving the vehicle and other means.


2. svituperation

heavy snow when falling S2, >; 20 cm of fresh snow at 12h:

  1. Mountain track and follow the instructions of the Mountain Rescue Service,
  2. vehicle equipped with the appropriate technical means (winter tires, snow chains, towrope, shovel and under.),
  3. in case of wet snow and strong winds to restrict movement in the woods and near power lines.

3. degree

Extremely heavy snow when falling S3, >; 30 cm of fresh snow at 12h:

  1. restrict movement and residence (and transportation) outdoors.


black ice

2. degree

Intense formation of ice:

  1. restrict movement and residence (and transportation) outdoors,b) modify the surface pavements as, to allow safe movement.

3. degree

Extremely intense formation of ice:

  1. limit the stay and movement and transportation outdoors,b) modify the surface pavements as, to allow safe movement.


2. degree

The occurrence of severe storms combined with torrential rainfall totals (BD2, >;30mm for 1h) and a speed of wind gusts (BV2, >;25m/s):

  1. not to hinder the free areas,
  2. not to hinder the unstable at obstacles,
  3. close and secure windows and doors,
  4. postpone yards from loose objects,
  5. ensure pets,
  6. No parking under the trees and in shaky buildings,
  7. with light vehicles and the unladen lorries do not drive after open-wind areas,
  8. in a free country to ride out the storm in the car, or find a lower position(attention to their possible flooding),
  9. not to hinder at high masts and tall trees,
  10. leave the water surface, and areas near streams and rivers (and of dried river beds).

3. degree

The occurrence of extremely strong thunderstorms with torrential rainfall associated with in fine (BD3, 40 mm for 1h) and gusts of wind at a speed (BV3, >;35 m/s):

  1. if you do not, hence go home,
  2. best not out children,
  3. No parking under the trees and in shaky buildings,
  4. not to hinder the near pylons or tall trees,
  5. leave the water surface, and areas near streams and rivers (and of dried river beds),
  6. dwelling secure against water ingress.

The rain

2. degree

Occurrence of heavy rainfall with rainfall (D2, >; 50mm for 12h):

in case of a critical lack of time:

Leave any action be taken quickly to secure (hill, higher slope and under.) or predetermined location.

if you have enough time:

  1. turn off or close the main distribution of electricity, water and gas,
  2. household equipment moved to higher floors,
  3. close and seal all windows and openings
  4. prepare your vehicle for the need of leaving the dwelling,
  5. prepare drugs, documents, appropriate clothing, perishable food and drinking water to 2-3 days,
  6. take a waterproof footwear and apparel,
  7. remove substances, which may be in contact with water cause a chemical reaction (poisons, caustics, acids and the like.),
  8. inform your neighbors,
  9. prepare the evacuation of animals,
  10. prepare evacuation baggage,
  11. water areas and areas near streams and rivers (and of dried river beds).


3. degree

The occurrence of heavy rainfall in fine (D3, >; 70mm za12h):

  1. follow the instructions of emergency responders, self-government bodies and public administration, follow the instructions in the mass media,
  2. leave the water surface, and areas near streams and rivers ( and of dried river beds),
  3. remove substances, which may be in contact with water cause a chemical reaction (poisons, caustics, acids and the like.),
  4. close and seal all windows and openings,
  5. turn off or close the main distribution of electricity, water and gas.



2. degree

The emergence of strong mist with visibility (H2, <; 300m):

If the visibility does not allow to go faster than 20 km / h. and if you can tell roadside park the vehicle. Highway locate the nearest landing and wait until the fog disappears.

3. degree

The occurrence of extremely thick mist (H3, <; 100m):

Restrict driving the vehicle for safety reasons.