Divadelné predstavenie –; Sen každej ženy –; Tickets still on sale
Srdečne Vás pozývame na divadelné predstavenie Divadla Diva s názvom SEN KAŽDEJ ŽENY v sobotu 8. brand 2025 O 18.00 h to the House of Culture in Cíferi. Come with your loved ones to have fun on this great comedy!
Vstupenky ešte v predaji!

Frequent paperwork is looking for temporary workers - students
Purpose facility of the Office of the National Council of the Slovak Republic Častá Pinenicka hľadá brigádnikov –; students to auxiliary work in maintenance and representation of lifeguards (The course we will provide).
Contact for those interested:
Construction of the main motorway artery reaches the next phase, Surface routes are gradually being completed
Current development within the D1D4 construction project
The National Highway Company will be able to start construction work To expand the main D1 highway route in front of Bratislava to a full -fledged four -lane, Likewise, the leveling and building of brand new bridges above D1 will be lifted. This will allow another implementation stage, During which transport is redesigned to newly built replacement routes. This stage will be one of the most technically complicated, Redirection will also require a complete closure of the D1 motorway.
Redirecting traffic to new replacement routes will be divided into stages, First for transport from Žilina to Bratislava - in the deadline from 14. February.
Divadelné predstavenie –; Dream of every woman
We cordially invite you to the Diva Theater Theater entitled Every Woman's Dream on Saturday 8. brand 2025 O 18.00 h to the House of Culture in Cíferi. Come with your loved ones to have fun on this great comedy!